Monday, February 25, 2008

Obama X

I can't believe it. I just can't believe it. Obama is going to #*!^ around and win the election. For all we know, it could be the biggest landslide in presidential history.

Now, I've never understood why people would talk to peers about personal issues, but don't feel comfortable discussing their voting preferences. (So I was #$%ing my wife in her @$$ last have to love Chappelle).

I anyway, I'm voting for Obama. Yeah, I said it. I'm voting for Obama.

Will he really make a difference? I don't know. Are all of the other contenders, pretenders? I think so. Either way, nobody can stop his momentum or find any meaningful dirt.

Republican front runner, John McCain, is having problems. First, he allegedly has/had infidelity issues. Then, he basically
acknowledged losing the race. "Sen. John McCain said bluntly today that he will lose the presidential election in November if the Iraq war goes badly, then quickly tried to walk his own comment back." Good thing the Iraq war is going smoothly.

The whole Republican party is in disarray.

Hillary is running around like a chicken with her head cut off.

Ralph Nader is throwing his hat in the race. (Why waste your money. AGAIN!) Must be a Hillary conspiracy. ;)

Even the "honorable" Louis Farrakhan hearts Obama.......WHAT IS GOING ON?

I think it's called.................CHANGE.

If I ever decide to change my mind, I'm going to vote for Dave.