Friday, August 31, 2007

The Left Hand Man on the Right

Maybe it's me, but when did it become against the law to tap your foot while sitting on the toilet? I mean, how do we know that Larry wasn't listening to Kanye's new album on his Ipod? And how do you get arrested for putting your left hand under the stall while reaching for toilet paper? What's criminal about that?

This whole case is ridiculous. Here are some things I want to know.

#1, why is the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport such a hotbed for "lewd" behavior? What ever happened to simply getting a hotel room?

#2, why is the Senator using a public bathroom in the first place? You would think he would have some Frequent Flyer card and could use a bathroom in a one of those plush airline club rooms.

#3, what kind of police officer are you, if your job is to solicit men in an airport bathroom in Minnesota all day. Talk about hating your job.

#4, I'm going to assume that senators must have some minimal level of intelligence. Having said that, why would Larry start the conversation saying, "You solicited me?" What ever happened to "I plead the fifth" or "It wasn't me."

#5, Since when did presidential candidate Arizona Sen. John McCain and Minnesota Sen. Norm Coleman become the bastion of morality? (John, deflection won't work. Maybe Newt was right.)

At any rate, listen to this fool and make your own conclusion.