Thursday, May 31, 2007

Better CEO: Einstein or Bartleby?

I just read an old post by Jonah Keegan on NYCE (New York City Entrepreneurs). He posed the question, "When should I start blogging my new business?"

Jonah's answer:

My experience (very tech heavy) is that ideas do not make or break 99% of the companies in the world, people do.

I completely agree. As a new entrepreneur with limited resources you have to get your name/idea out to the world, as soon as you are ready. How does one define ready?

You don't. Because you can't. You will never be ready so there is no reason to postpone. Just FN Do It! (I'm not saying be foolish. Make sure you are in position to make the competition irrelevant before you open your big mouth).

How valuable is an idea? really.....tell me! Every "idea" has already been identified. Someone has already thought about it and done it. It might suck, but somehow it's getting done right now. Your "idea" isn't scared and anyone who thinks so.......kick rocks! Your "idea" is simply to do something better than everyone else (perhaps in a different way).

It's all about the execution. Einstein had brilliant ideas. I'm sure Bartleby the Scrivener had a plethora of great ideas go on a vacation for example. Now........who would I bet the farm on? Neither! Einstein doesn't have enough stamina to do a full day. And Bartley.....he could have been a rock star CEO, but...........well.........we all have different preferences.

Yeah I hate on Facebook..........because they don't have a revolutionary idea. But in terms of implementation, Mr. CEO Bitch is killing the game.